Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pie In A Jar

I have to start with saying that I'm a huge pie fan. I don't really like cake but I never say no to pies or fruit tarts. So when I saw this blog feature about pie in a jar I just about flipped. After reading the post myself and several friends bought the mini mason jars so we could do this ourselves. Its been a while and the mini mason jars have been hanging out in my room for months but this past weekend I finally made pie in a jar!!

My mom helped me and we used her apple pie recipe but you can use just about any pie recipe you want, fruit, pumpkin, chocolate, whatever. For the pie crust we have always taken the easy route and bought the pie crust mix you just add water to. You could probably buy the frozen kind to make it even easier. What is nice is that you do not have to roll out the dough. Just take little chunks and press them into the jars. You will only have to roll the dough if you want to put a top layer of crust on.

We decided to do half with a crust on top and the other half with streusel. The streusel ones ended up being my favorite because I loved that little bit of crunch.We baked one of each and I was in heaven!

After you assembled the pies you can freeze them and use as needed. Just put the lids on tight! They make a great hostess gift, party favor, Valentine's treat or emotional breakdown intervention.

When you are ready to cook them preheat oven to 375 degrees. I haven't cooked them frozen but you can put them in the oven while its preheating to defrost them a bit. Bake them for 50-60 minutes until the crust is slightly browned or the fruit pie is bubbling.

Hope you enjoyed!

Thank you to for sharing this great idea!
The full feature is found here:

Here is the link to buy the jars:


Punctuation Mark

what a great idea for single servings... there's no waste this way!!!

Melanie Knowlton

Thanks for posting, Mar! I was wondering if you'd tried it yet. I might try the freezing method and eat it in a week, when baby's here! :)

Mary (Mary's Musicology)

I tried it and its wonderful!! I'll bring some this weekend!

Natalie of

ooo yum! i need to try this. and i need to follow you! haha. while my daughter is unloading the laundry basket full of clean laundry i am having so much fun looking around your blog!

Ashley G.

0o0 I've always wanted to try this! I may just have to this weekend! especially with all the good rhubarb out right now! strawberry rhubarb pie anyone?? YUM